We're Leaf & Flower.
A proud, woman-owned business - we’re here to show Colorado Green Chile isn’t the only GREEN that grows better in New Mexico.
Our Story
In 2010, with the growing realization of benefits cannabis produces in a wide variety of health problems, Patti Rios and Franci Gabaldon decided to take a chance and hopefully help people along the way. The sisters, both born in El Paso in the 60’s, moved to New Mexico in 1984. In 2008 Franci moved to Oregon and was given a license to grow cannabis as a caregiver for a very ill family member. While there she developed a love for growing cannabis and was amazed by the relief it could bring suffering people. Patti, growing up, would use grow lights to keep her collection of hard to grow plants. She had a passion and an understanding of their individual character. So much so, it led to her Managing a grow supply store, All Seasons Gardening. Franci returned to New Mexico in 2010 and with the recent passing of the Lynn and Erin Compassionate Use act, New Mexico put out the call for new Licensed Non-Profit Producers.
With two apparent green thumbs, a drive to help people and pure determination they undertook a challenge few understand. The pair took the lead, built a grow and have been working side-by-side for over a decade. When New Mexico put out the call again they decided to take on another challenge. Their own company, veraciously named Leaf and Flower. Leaf and Flower is more than just a Dispensary, it's decades of working with cannabis, giving them the knowledge and high standards to produce the product New Mexico deserves.