Cannabis Consumption Tips for First Timers

Cannabis can help with various ailments, from lowering blood pressure to relieving anxiety and even helping with pain associated with chronic conditions. Its multitude of uses combined with the growing legality means more people than ever want to try it for themselves. Given the old taboos associated with the subject, some might be nervous to try and not know where to start. This article will highlight the important parts of trying cannabis for the first time. 

The Consumption Methods

Passing a joint with a friend isn’t the only way to consume anymore. THC products come in many forms and levels, so you can use what is right for you. Some common methods are edibles, vaping, and old-fashioned flower. 

  • Edible – cannabis-infused snacks or beverages. When purchased at a dispensary you will know exactly how much THC is in each edible and be able to take a lower dose to start. Edibles also have a delayed onset and can take anywhere from 45-60 minutes for the effects to kick in.
  • Flower – the first thing that comes to mind when you think of cannabis. Flower is smoked and can be purchased in “pre-rolled” blunts. Inhalation of cannabis will affect you in 1-10 minutes.
  • Vaping – Many believe this a healthier version compared to smoking flower since you get the THC without the tar related to smoking it. Vaping will have a similar activation time to flower.

When trying THC products for the first time, you will want to start with a small amount or a strain with a lower amount of THC. Edibles will give you the most control over how much you consume. You can cut an edible into halves or fourths to get less THC. 

Since different methods can kick in at different times, giving yourself a moment to feel the effects before consuming more is important. It is recommended to wait 2 hours before re-dosing, no matter which method. 

Creating a Calm Environment

Whether you are using cannabis to treat a medical condition, calm your mind, or handle chronic pain the main effect you want is to relax. Creating an environment that also caters towards relaxation will help as well. 

Along with the 2-hour window in which you can feel the effects of THC, they can last up to 3 hours after use. If possible, try cannabis at a time you know you can sleep in case you get overly relaxed. Sleeping can also help alleviate some effects if you want them to wear off faster. 

Next is making sure your physical surroundings put you at ease and make you feel safe. Your own home is probably the most obvious place, but feel free to go wherever you feel comfortable and are permitted to consume.We collect all our comfy pillows and blankets at home to create a relaxing environment. Soft music or comfort TV can also be used to put you at ease and maintain the environment. 

If you don’t want to be alone, make sure you have your favorite smoking buddy to enjoy cannabis with!

Additional Tips

Wait until the cannabis has kicked in to enjoy your favorite snack and mouth-water favorite beverage. Maybe even prep your comfort space with some snacks and liquids, so you stay hydrated. The munchies are no joke, and you don’t want to have to cook while trying to relax, so use this opportunity for all your favorite snacks. 

Avoid alcohol and other substances, the risk of adverse reactions rises if you mix substances, both mental and physical. Alcohol can also intensify the effects of THC and will result in a stronger high even while taking a smaller dose. 

Consuming cannabis can make you feel many things, and some might want to know what before they try. The high is subjective for everyone, but some things to expect are a relaxing feeling over your body, tiredness, decreased inhibition, and an altered mood state. 

Bottom Line

Using cannabis can help with many ailments and its normal recreational uses. How you choose to consume, and the amount you do will affect how high you feel and for how long. Making sure your environment and surrounding people are calm and light-hearted will help with the relaxing effects of THC. Avoid using any other substance, including alcohol, while consuming to help avoid adverse mental and physical effects. Use our helpful tip guide and stay chill.